2010 Kubla Cup - The Street

Hard times for the Kubla Cup

Due to economic instability, this year's Kubla Cup will be held in the streets!

NAF Approved

This tournament has been approved by NAF (Nuffle Amorical Football) and will count toward your rankings.
If you do not know what NAF is or are looking to join, please see http://www.bloodbowl.net

Impact! Miniatures


The Kubla Cup will be held at the KublaCon Gaming convention in Burlingame, California.

KublaCon Website for location, registration, and hotel information.


KublaCon runs from Friday May 28th through Monday May 31st 2010.

The Kubla Cup will be held on Saturday, May 29th.


10:00 - 10:30 Registration
10:30 - 11:30 Game 1

The remaining schedule will be determined based on attendance


The scoring may change from what is below but will not alter much.

55 pts for win
35 for tie
10 for loss

loss by only 1 pt: +10 pts
caused 1 more cas by blocking than your opponent: +5 pts
caused 2 or more cas by blocking than your opponent: +10pts
won by 2+: +5pts
won by 3+: +10pts

The first round's opponents will be assigned randomly. Each round after that, players will be sorted by total points. The top two players will play each other, then the 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, and so on. Ties will be broken first by TD differential and then CAS differential. No player may play the same opponent twice, except for the top two in the final round.

The top 2 players in the final round will be playing for 1st and 2nd place.


Kubla Cup Champion

All other prizes will be based on attendance.


A portion of tournament points will be awarded based upon team painting and presentation. These points will be applied after the final round.

There are a total of ten points available for team painting. The tournament judges will evaluate each team. The judges will be looking to see if each area has been done, not at the quality of the work.

Based: 2 points: All the bases in the team, including sideline staff, are painted and textured in some manner. Just being painted green is not enough!

Painted: 2 points: All models have at least 3 colors on them. Undercoats must not be visible.

Detailed: 2 points: All models have had the details painted in a variety of colors or with noticeable effects. This can be shading or highlighting etc. This discriminates between the merely painted team and the team that has had attention paid to it.

Representative: 4 points: All models on the team are representative of the race and position they are meant to portray. Extra weapons that are not part of a finished and painted figure should be removed. While you may use any miniature available or even make your own, it should be clear which type of player is being represented. This means that an Ogre should look like an Ogre, a Dwarf should look like a Dwarf, and so on.


Proper etiquette and sportsmanship is not only encouraged, it's required.  It is expected that everyone that participates does so in a manner that is in the spirit of having fun.  Participants that conduct themselves in an unsporstmanlike manner will be subject to penalties at the Judge's discretion.

Injuries and Winnings

Teams will reset after each game. So all injuries are healed (including deaths) and any players raised by Undead Coaches are lost. Since teams reset there will be no Star Player Points, Fan Factor rolls, Gate rolls or Winnings rolls.

Skill Advancements

There will be no skill advancements in this year's Kubla Cup


We will be using the Streetbowl Rules.

There are a few changes to the rules. They are as follows

What to Bring

If you have any questions about the rules or the tournament in particular feel free to email kublacup AT sbcglobal DOT net (AT=@ and DOT=.)